Read More严重呼吁今后加拿大的选举法,无论规则是什么,都要有国籍申明,特别是双重国籍的人要声明其保留的外国国籍。
Read More为了加拿大人民的利益,为了加拿大国家利益,加拿大应该拒绝新冷战,拒绝对华新冷战。
Read More为了加拿大经济繁荣和社会稳定,为了加拿大公民的财产和人身安全,为了防止加拿大民主社会部蜕变为专制社会,所有加拿大公民都应该向所在选区议员要外国干涉的真相和证据,要真相,要所以真相,要仅仅真相而不夹杂任何推测和谣言。真相是民主社会的基石。一个不透明的政府不是民主政府,而是被深层政府控制的政府。加拿大公民要认识到刻意把中国制造成加拿大的敌国严重损害加拿大国家利益,这是我们这几年亲身感受到的现实。加拿大公民要有这种认识,要把这种认识告诉自己选区的议员,要政府摆脱深层政府的愚弄。
Read More考证伦敦洪门成立年代。
Read More如果不忘仁人志士之强国富民之初心,如果不忘仁人志士救国图存的初心,就应该承认中国已经走上了强国富民的康庄大道,就应该拥护两岸统一。
Read MoreThe interest of China is consistent with the interest of the world while the US policy of dominating China conflicts with the interest of the world. War is not in the interest of any country. Chaos is not in the interest of any country. Refugee is not in the interest of any country. Famine and hunger are not in the interest of any country. Common prosperity is in the interest of every country.
Read MoreThe US used to make policy regardless of the truth and reality. The actions of the superpower create the reality of the world. So the US could make its policy based on its lies and propaganda. The US believes in its power. It could make the lies and propaganda come true. It can make the lies and propaganda self-fulfilling prophecy. Yet, China is too large for it to digest. It wants to swallow China and get choked.
Read MoreThe UK was once the hegemony. To keep the UK at the top, Britain fight Germany. The result? The US become the top. The same will be true. If the US tries to prevent China from becoming the top and having a war with China, both the US and China will be weakened and Russia or Europe will replace the US at the top position.
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