关于我们 About

Canada & World Report( www.CanadaNewsReport.com), founded in Toronto and Vancouver, Canada in 2018, is fully owned and edited by World Association of Chinese Mass Media, and managed by senior media professionals with more than 40 years of news experiences.

Canada & World Report has membership status of the fallowing professional associations:

World Association of Chinese Mass Media (350615-1)

International Federation of Chinese Journalists( 997632-9)

Canadian Federation of Chinese Journalists (998250-7)

Canadian Association of Chinese Journalists and Editors( 997324-9)


《加拿大和世界报道》(Canada & World Report)www.CanadaNewsReport.com,2018年创办于加拿大温哥华和多伦多,由具有近40年新闻经历的资深媒体人士管理和经营。



世界华文大众传播媒体协会(World Association of Chinese Mass Media, 350615-1)

国际中文记者联合会(International Federation of Chinese Journalists, 997632-9)

加拿大中文记者联合会(Canadian Federation of Chinese Journalists, 998250-7)

加拿大中文记者和编辑协会(Canadian Association of Chinese Journalists and Editors, 997324-9)








多伦多:陈大伟、洪甜与、李轶伦、Steven Zhao、Peter Morgan、王秋懿、王国权(实习记者)
