Read More加拿大华裔军人的东南亚军事行动。
Read MoreChinese pioneers came to North America in the Gold Rush before the confederation of Canada in 1867. They are the pioneers of the Canadian mining industry. The mining industry has been one of the pillar industries of the Canadian economy ever since. Chinese pioneers not only were the pioneers of the mining industry, but they also invented the Laundry Industry. They established Chinese food restaurants that were and always been part of Canadian culture. The Chinese Canadians fought not only for Canada in two World Wars but also fought for the universal franchise for Canadian democratic society.
Read MoreIn the vast tapestry of our nation’s narrative, there exists a pivotal moment—a century-old scar that still bears its weight upon our collective conscience. Today, as we stand on the precipice of the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act, we are compelled to confront this dark chapter in our history. Its indelible mark of discrimination and injustice has shaped our society, leaving a lasting impact on the fabric of our nation. It is in this solemn moment that we advocate ardently for the establishment of Chinese Railroad Workers Day, a national statutory holiday that not only pays homage to the remarkable contributions of Chinese Canadians but also serves as a beacon of unity and a testament to our shared commitment to building a stronger, more inclusive Canada.
Read More我们今天在加拿大的生活来之不易,是华裔先辈奋斗的结果。加拿大华人为加拿大建国做出重大贡献,华裔应该是加拿大历史的骄傲,而不应该是历史的耻辱。华裔应该是加拿大经济的骄傲,而不应该是加拿大经济的耻辱。华裔应该是加拿大社会的骄傲,而不是耻辱。如今社会和政界泛滥的反华排华思潮是殴裔殖民者统治有色人种的殖民主义的滥觞,已经不符合今天时代的进步观念,严重破坏了加拿大社会公平与正义,严重损害了加拿大法治精神,严重阻碍了加拿大经济的发展,不符合加拿大国家利益。华裔应该每年祭祖,缅怀加拿大华裔先民为加拿大做出的贡献,张扬正义,这是加拿大公民的爱国教育,华裔教育华裔自己也教育广大社会,以维护加拿大宪法赋予华裔的平等地位和身份,以防止重蹈《排华法案》的历史覆辙。
Read More多伦多铁路华工纪念门,地处CN塔下铁路边。在清明前后,国庆前后,和每年11月7日太平洋铁路落成纪念日,大多地区华人都应该带着子女绕绕道,路过这里,献上一束花,点上一根蜡烛,或者上三根香。这是加拿大华人的建国祖先。其实,任何时候都可以来上香,祈祷祖先保佑。愿这里香火不断,鲜花常开。
Read MoreLet us commemorate Chinese Railroad Workers, honoring their lives, and their contribution to Canada on November 7.
Read More德国政治统一、美国西部政治统一和加拿大西部政治统一,都依赖于铁路的建设。铁路华工对加拿大政治统一作出了不可磨灭的贡献。华裔加拿大人因此是加拿大建国族裔之一。
Read More加拿大联邦建立的目的之一,就是要建设太平洋铁路。建设太平洋铁路的动机之一,就是要赶上全球第二次工业革命。为了建设太平洋铁路,四千多铁路华工献出了生命。生命是最宝贵的,华裔对加拿大建国贡献最大。华裔是加拿大建国族裔之一。
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