

加拿大民调机构Angus Reid Institute 在疫情期间做了一个民意调查,自COVID-19病毒肺炎疫情开始以来,不少加拿大华裔感受到针对华裔的种族歧视言论或行为。


继之前发生在 Mississauga 大统华歧视华人事件,柯文彬在省议会发表谴责声明之后,10月26日又在省议会分享了这个针对华裔加拿大人种族歧视网上民调的情况,再次呼吁大家行动起来,谴责任何针对少数族裔的歧视行为,建设一个真正包容的加拿大。如柯文彬在发言的最后所说:“尽管大部分种族主义行为针对的是个人或特定群体,但对我们的整个社会和文化的打击和影响最终将伤害了我们所有人”。




Vincent Ke MPP Member’s Statement On October 2020



Thank you Mr. Speaker!(谢谢议长先生!)

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there is a very disturbing trend that calls for our attention and action.(自从新冠疫情大流行开始以来,有一种非常令人不安的趋势,需要我们关注和采取行动。)

According to a recent online survey of 500 Chinese-Canadians conducted by the Angus Reid Institute, 43% of Chinese-Canadians, and 44% out of them were born in Canada, have been the targets of threats, insults and intimidation during the pandemic.(根据安格斯里德研究所(Angus Reid Institute)对500名华裔加拿大人进行的最新在线调查,在大流行期间,有43%的华裔加拿大人(其中44%的人出生于加拿大)他们曾经成为受到种族歧视威胁,侮辱和恐吓的目标。)

Unfairly blamed and shamed for COVID-19, about 30% of the Chinese-Canadians express that they often feel like others view them as a threat to their health and safety. They also report being victim of racist graffiti and offensive messages on social media platforms. (约30%的加拿大华人表示,会因为COVID-19而被不公平地指责和羞辱,他们常常觉得其他人将其视为对他人健康和安全的威胁。 调查报告还指出,这些被调查的加拿大华人不仅受到恐吓,也是社交媒体平台上种族主义涂鸦的受害者。)

As well, the survey revealed that 60% of Chinese-Canadians feel anxious and change their daily habits to avoid unpleasant situations and they worry that their children will be victims of bullying at school. (调查还显示,有60%的华裔加拿大人感到焦虑,并改变其日常习惯以避免不愉快的情况发生,他们担心自己的孩子会成为学校欺凌的受害者。)

Mr.Speaker, I call for action against all racism, building a true inclusive Canada. Although cowardly acts of racism target individuals or a specific group, but the harmful impact on our society and culture hurts us all. (议长先生,我呼吁采取行动反对一切种族歧视,建设一个真正包容的加拿大。 尽管大部分种族主义行为针对的是个人或特定群体,但对我们的整个社会和文化的打击和影响最终将伤害了我们所有人。)